Beyond the surface: A clinical guide to cement indirect restorations (Bucuresti, 7 Februarie 2025)Cursuri stomatologie • Bucuresti (Bucuresti)
1494.00 RON • Adaugat in 29/12/2024In the era of Digital Dentistry, the implementation in the daily practice of the most advanced technologies has got a synergic impulse from the enhanced mechanical and manufacturing properties of the new generation of dental materials. Among these, C...
Reconstructia prin tehnica de realizare a obturatiilor prin injectare(Cluj-Napoca,20 Octombrie 2023)Cursuri stomatologie • Cluj-Napoca (Cluj)
250.00 Euro € • Adaugat in 18/07/2023Curs avansat (8 ore), București și Cluj, cu Dr. KOSTAS Karagiannopoulos, specialist protetician experimentat și consultant la Kings College, Londra. OBIECTIVE: • Explicarea & demonstrarea tehnicii de realizare a obturațiilor din compozit prin inj...
Miniimplanturi versus implanturi clasice, în terapia edentației totale 2023 (7 Octombrie 2023)Cursuri stomatologie • Brasov (Brasov)
2000.00 RON • Adaugat in 04/07/2023Utilizand miniimplanturile dentare MDI pentru stabilizarea protezelor totale puteti oferi pacientilor dumneavoastra o solutie de tratament cu rezultate validate in timp.Aceasta tehnica se adreseaza in special pacientilor care in trecut au refuzat un ...
FOCUS - See. Analyze. Plan (Oradea, 23 Martie 2023 - 27 Mai 2023)Cursuri stomatologie • Oradea (Bihor)
4500.00 Euro € • Adaugat in 28/10/2022FOCUS is a course about the patients journey, from the first visit throughout diagnostics and functional stabilization up until the treatment planning. It consists of three theoretical-hands on modules addressed to general practitioners, prosthodonti...
SHAPE - Anterior Composite Veneers (24-25 Februarie 2023)Cursuri stomatologie •
960.00 Euro € • Adaugat in 28/10/2022The composite restorations are worth considering as a treatment option both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. In these times when the veneers are highly in demand, we ask ourselves this question:” When can I recommend to my patient comp...
Totul despre cum sa devii un Asistent Medical Generalist in domeniul StomatologieiCursuri stomatologie • Cluj-Napoca (Cluj)
200.00 Euro € • Adaugat in 25/02/2021Esti asistent/a medical/a si doresti sa te perfectionezi in domeniul stomatologiei? Au inceput inscrierile! Oferim cursuri de predare in acest sens, intr-o clinica stomatologica cu aparatura de ultima generatie, unde ai posibilitatea de a acumula cun...
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