Curs radioprotecție dentară, nivel 2Cursuri online •
925.00 RON • Adaugat in 10/02/2025SCOP: • Obținere sau prelungire permis nivel 2 emis de CNCAN pentru practica de radiologie dentară • Cursul se desfășoară sub aviz emis de CNCAN Document obținut: • Certificat electronic (acceptat de CNCAN), exact așa cum se folosește mai departe în ...
Congresul de Paro-Protetica al AMSPPR (27 Februarie - 1 Martie 2025)Congrese stomatologie • Bucuresti (Bucuresti)
550.00 RON • Adaugat in 04/02/2025AMSPPR va invita la editia XXXI a congresului de Paro-Protetica organizat in sistem hibrid in Bucuresti si Online intre datele: 27 februarie si 1 martie 2025. Congresul este creditat cu 24 credite EMC.
What to Do About Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 30/05/2024One of the most challenging clinical situations is when an adolescent patient presents with congenitally missing permanent teeth. The primary considerations for these patients are knowing how much space is required, existing bone volume and the need ...
Working length determination and its importance in endodontics (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 10/01/2024The establishment of correct working length is an important step in Endodontic therapy, any inaccuracies may lead to failure of the root canal treatment. This webinar aides in helping the clinician gain an evidence-based understanding of the importan...
The Immediate Molar Revisited (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 04/01/2024The molars are the most extracted tooth type, with immediate implant placement in molar extraction sites becoming a popular treatment option. The benefits include a reduced number of surgical procedures and patient visits, lower cost of treatment, an...
Exploring Strength, Speed, and Aesthetics in Glass Ceramic CAD/CAM Materials (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 02/01/2024In this webinar, Dr. Gupta will review current CAD/CAM materials used in chairside digital dentistry before exploring the next generation. Dr. Shivi Gupta is a specialist in aesthetic digital dentistry. You can attend for free on the Dentsply Sirona ...
Artificial Intelligence: From Oral Health to Systemic Health (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 01/01/2024Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in healthcare, but what does it mean for dentistry? Learn about the principles of AI and how dentistry will be enhanced with this technology. Technologies such as AI will continue to support dentists in eff...
Digital Dentistry: Intraoral Scanning, Software, 3D Printing, and Milling (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online
189.00 USD • Adaugat in 15/11/2023Step-by-Step Digital Dentistry Online Course: Featuring Scanning, Software, 3D Printing, Milling, Implant Surgical Guides, Crowns, Full-Arch Cases! New Volume 3! In Volume 3, our biggest update yet, we have released incredible new updates on the late...
20 Mistakes in rubber dam isolation and how to avoid them (Online)Cursuri online • Online
Gratuit • Adaugat in 13/11/2023Expedite your practical use of the rubber dam by avoiding the most common mistakes done by dentists during daily practice. Get on the fast track to next level results in restorative dentistry by properly integrating rubber dam isolation as a standard...
Sinus Grafting for Implant Reconstruction (Online la cerere)Cursuri online • Online
199.00 USD • Adaugat in 12/11/2023This extraordinary unprecedented 16 module online Master Course on Sinus Grafting , proudly brought to you by Digitallistings , is Based on Dr. Michael A. Pikos’ 30 plus year history of morethan 1400 lateral wall and hundreds of crestal sinus graft p...
Reconstructia prin tehnica de realizare a obturatiilor prin injectare(Cluj-Napoca,20 Octombrie 2023)Cursuri stomatologie • Cluj-Napoca (Cluj)
250.00 Euro € • Adaugat in 18/07/2023Curs avansat (8 ore), București și Cluj, cu Dr. KOSTAS Karagiannopoulos, specialist protetician experimentat și consultant la Kings College, Londra. OBIECTIVE: • Explicarea & demonstrarea tehnicii de realizare a obturațiilor din compozit prin inj...
Miniimplanturi versus implanturi clasice, în terapia edentației totale 2023 (7 Octombrie 2023)Cursuri stomatologie • Brasov (Brasov)
2000.00 RON • Adaugat in 04/07/2023Utilizand miniimplanturile dentare MDI pentru stabilizarea protezelor totale puteti oferi pacientilor dumneavoastra o solutie de tratament cu rezultate validate in timp.Aceasta tehnica se adreseaza in special pacientilor care in trecut au refuzat un ...