3D Printing Technology in an Ortho-Restorative Practice (Webinar, On-demand)Webinars • (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 28/04/2023In modern dental practices, providing comprehensive care using digital workflows is becoming the new standard. Using 3D printing and concepts such as DSD brings multiple benefits to dental professionals, team members and, specially, to patients. 3D p...
ON-LAYS. Basic Principles (Webinar)Webinars • YouTube
Gratuit • Adaugat in 15/05/2023Un webinar gratuit disponibil pe YouTube despre conceptele principale ce stau la baza realizarii onlay-urilor. Webinarul poate fi vizionat gratuit pe YouTube si ii are ca autori pe medicii de BeloGrad Academy. Principii acoperite: - Biomecanica dinti...
Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS) (Webinar)Webinars • YouTube
Gratuit • Adaugat in 15/05/2023Un webinar gratuit despre Sigilarea Dentinara Imediata oferit de BeloGrad Academy prin intermediul unui interviu cu autorul tehnicii, Pascal Magne. Webinarul poate fi vizionat gratuit pe YouTube. Ce vom invata: - problemele ce pot fi rezolvate prin t...
Sex and Gender matter in Pain Perception - Prof Carole Clair (Webinar, On demand)Webinars • Online
Gratuit • Adaugat in 27/10/2023Discover how sex and gender can affect pain perception and learn to identify and prevent gender bias in pain treatment. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and improve patient communication. Join Prof. Carole Clair on 12th Octobe...
Essentials and clinical updates for safe and accurate dental radiographs (Online la cerere)Webinars • Online (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 04/08/2024Dental radiography is a pillar of dental practice. During general dentistry, endodontic treatment or implant dentistry accurate dental radiographic techniques will lead to better diagnosis, better treatment and better outcome with more precision, les...
Efficient CEREC Workflow for Esthetic Restorations (Online)Webinars • Online
Gratuit • Adaugat in 07/06/2022Are you looking for a simple and efficient way to fabricate defect-oriented restorations using CEREC, without compromising on esthetics? Do you want to optimize your workflow and reduce treatment time? Our course video offers the right tips and trick...
Resin-bonded FDP’s – a proven alternative to single-tooth implants (Webinar, On-demand)Webinars • (Online)
Gratuit • Adaugat in 22/01/2023A single-retainer resin-bonded bridge made of 3Y-TZP (tetragonal zirconia) is in many cases a very well-suited, proven alternative to implant placement. Detailed information on why, when and how to use this minimally invasive treatment option is prov...
FDI World Dental Congress 2021 (Online, 26-29 September 2021)Webinars • Online
Preţ nespecificat • Adaugat in 07/03/2021This September 26-29, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) and FDI will present a completely virtual, special edition of the World Dental Congress. Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the Congress has been moved 100% online for the first time. Th...
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