1494.00 RON Beyond the surface: A clinical guide to cement indirect restorations (Bucuresti, 7 Februarie 2025) in Bucuresti

- Locaţie: Mercure Bucharest City Center, Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania
In the era of Digital Dentistry, the implementation in the daily practice of the most advanced technologies has got a synergic impulse from the enhanced mechanical and manufacturing properties of the new generation of dental materials. Among these, CAD-CAM metal-free ceramics, just like high strength polycrystalline ceramics, such as zirconia, and reinforced glassy ceramics, such as lithium disilicate, offer undeniable advantages as high esthetic potential, astounding optical characteristics, reliable mechanical properties, excellent consistency in terms of precision and accuracy due to the manufacturing technologies and more convenient production timing.
Moreover, different cementation systems are available, each with specific characteristics and indications. The selection of luting agents is not always simple and univocal and too often clinicians are influenced by marketing strategies and clinical trends. Viceversa, the proper choice of dental cements and luting techniques should be performed considering all the variables of each clinical case, carefully evaluating the type of restorative material and the physical and biological properties of the cementation susbtrates.
1) Provide a clinical and scientific revision of the rational use of indirect restorative materials and luting agents in Prosthodontics
2) Suggest some clinical hints validated by the most recent literature to properly select
luting agents and cementation techniques
3) Highlight the differences between conventional luting and adhesive bonding
4) Learn how to make intraoral scanning for indirect restorations (on a typodont)
5) Watch-and-learn 3D printing of indirect restorations
6) Learn how to cement properly different indirect restorations (i.e. crown, veneer, onlay)
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